The KR class had their graduation ceremony yesterday.
We are so proud of this group of young kids who faced a whole new level of challenges this school year. they all did an amazing job.
Garden day
Growing season is upon us and our school garden welcomes you! In the past few weeks, our students have started seeds in their classrooms and have been nurturing them to be planted out in our garden located on the west side of the school.
Our school-wide student planting day will be on May, 24th from 9 am-11:30 am. (3-K May, 20th from 9 am-10 am). All of the students will be hands-on planting in the garden with their classmates and teachers. If you’d like to come check it out and lend a hand, you are more than welcome!
The JPII garden is a great experience for our students and parents to enjoy. Parents are welcome to help with any aspect of the garden and any hours put in are counted as volunteer hours. What a better way to volunteer than out in the sunshine with your kids, harvesting fruits and veggies! If you're interested, the basics of volunteering include maintenance of weeds, watering, and harvesting. If you don’t have a green thumb and still want some of the harvests, we got you. Anyone and everyone at the school is welcome to pick and take any fresh fruits and veggies they’d like.
Please contact Libby Theuerkauf if you’d like additional information or would like to start volunteering. elisabeththeuerkauf@gmail.com or (906) 290-4081.
Thank you.
Empty Frosting containers
We are looking for empty frosting containers. so if you (or anyone you know) bake sometimes and use frosting, please keep the cans and donate them to school. Our teachers like to use these in their classrooms.
We will have a yearbook again this year but it will be late. They will be available in June for pick up at school. The cost will be $12.50 apiece. If you would like to order one you can call or email the office.
52 Club winners
Amazon smile
Just a reminder that we are part of the Amazon smiles program. For every purchase you make at AmazonSmile, they donate 0.5% to the organization of your choice. This year we have received $215.29 so far.