Book fair is well on its way.
Today our students had the opportunity to look at books in our in-house book fair.
For those who had the e-wallet set up were able to already pick out some books. This Wednesday parents are welcome to stop by between 3-5 pm so the kids can show what books they would love to have. Accepted payments would be e-wallet, cash, check, and credit card. If you have any questions you can reach out to our librarian Mrs. Mielke dmielke@jpiicatholicacademy.org
Paid NUT Pass this Wednesday, May 12th
Proceedings of NUT passes this year have gone towards the technology fund. We have been very fortunate to have been able to give each child an individual device to comply with the Covid guidelines. Most students from 2nd grade on, use Chromebooks on a daily basis for online assignments and testing. these were the same devices your child took home during the virtual weeks.
EARLY RELEASE on Friday, May 14th
This is a half-day for professional development for all Menominee public and private teachers. This includes the Menominee public school so bussing will be available. Early release is at 11:40am.
Next week is graduation week
Each teacher will contact the parents with more information about their specific graduation.
May 16th Kindergarten Readiness graduation
May 19th Kindergarten graduation
May 20th 8th grade graduation
52 Club
Spring Auction Winners
Scrip all Summer long!!
Scrip runs through the summer also! The office will have summer hours so you can keep on ordering. You can also order online of course and there are also a lot of reloadable cards. The “change over date” is JUNE 30th!! so you have till that day to complete this school-year requirement. Everything ordered from July 1st will start counting towards the next school-year requirement. Remember the required amount raised is $150 (preschool families exempt). Anything raised above the $150 is split 50/50 between school and YOUR tuition in the following school year. If you have any questions (e.g. how much have you raised so far?) you can contact the school and ask for Mrs. Kristi Peanosky or Mrs. Mary Fox.