Week of September 30th
Students in KR 4 through 8th Grade will have pictures taken on Wednesday, October 2nd. Pre-K 3 students and any students who were absent on Wednesday or want re-takes will have pictures taken on Thursday, October 3rd. Order forms went home last week - if you need a new form, please contact your child’s homeroom teacher.
K-8 students who need picture re-takes may wear non-uniform on Thursday, October 3rd.
JPII Students had a great time at the Worldfest concert!
To sign up, scan the QR code or click here.
The Junior High Physical Science class explored kinetic vs. potential energy by shooting rubber bands to see how far they went.
The Garden Club will be doing their garden clean-up on Sunday, October 6th starting at 10am. We will be cleaning and prepping the garden area for winter and decorating the front of the school with pumpkins the students grew in the garden. All are welcome to join! Bring some gloves and join us! All hours in the garden count toward volunteer hours for the school year.
Flag football has begun!
Email the office if you are able to help!
Thank you to Mrs. Buyarski (and Mrs. Muhs!) for adding some color to our walls!
Click here for a printable registration/t-shirt order form!