Week of March 7th
Spring Auction Raffle Tickets
Last Friday envelopes were sent home with a letter and Raffle tickets which sell for $5.00 each. Each family is responsible for selling 10 cash raffle tickets (preschool 5 tickets). Please use the enclosed envelope to send the ticket stubs and money back to the school.
If you would like to sell more raffle tickets, you can let the office know to either pick up more or send them home.
NUT Pass
This Wednesday is a PAID NUT Pass. Funds raised from nut pass days go to the classroom funds for special activities or trips. Please send $2 in an envelope or ziplock with your child(ren’s) name.
Garden committee meeting
This Thursday at 3.30 in the Staff Lounge (the gym will be in use for basketball practice)
If you’re interested but can not make the meeting, please contact Libby Theuerkauf at 906-290-4081 or let the office know and you will be contacted.
Office help
We’ve already had great help with the office. if you have any time this week please come any time that fits your schedule so we can keep working on the mailer.
52 Club
Daylight savings
Next weekend we set the clocks an hour ahead. So it will be early rising next Monday!