NUT Pass Day on the 14th
If your child would like to wear non-uniform attire next Wednesday, we have a paid NUT Pass Day! Send $2 in a labeled envelope or Ziploc bag with your child as soon as possible. If you’d like to charge the $2 to your FACTS account, just email the office. We will send them home with a NUT Pass on Tuesday to cash in with his/her teacher on Wednesday.
NO School Tomorrow
Don’t forget, we have a professional development day tomorrow at JP2. That means, all our students will have the day off! Enjoy!
COVID Updates from Our Superintendent
Dear Catholic School Parents, Guardians, and Staffs,
Everyone involved with our Catholic schools has sacrificed and made personal adjustments so that our students are able to learn in person on our campuses this fall. I have just visited seven of our eight schools and I can share with you very positive news: your sacrifices are making a difference. All pastors and principals I have spoken with are truly grateful for their staffs and families and the positive community spirit being built during these trying times. Thank you.
As you know, due to an increase in confirmed Covid-19 cases in the Upper Peninsula, the U.P. has been moved from Phase 5 to Phase 4 of the Michigan Safe Start Plan. This means that each of our schools will now move to its Phase Four Plan that was written locally by each school last summer.
One of the more controversial areas these plans address is the wearing of face masks.
Already this fall, students in some of our schools have tested positive for Covid-19 resulting in five classes among various schools being quarantined for a period of time. This week, many of our principals decided to begin requiring their students to wear face masks.
At this time, considering the overall increase in Covid cases in the Upper Peninsula, current direction from the Michigan State Health Department that U.P. students in all schools wear face coverings, and after consulting our principals and Bishop John, I am directing that all of our schools begin requiring that students in kindergarten through eighth grade wear masks within the building with the exception of lunch period, and that all staff members wear masks throughout the day, to begin no later than Monday, October 12.
While it is difficult to put a length on the time this decision will be in place, together with our principals and local health departments I will monitor the situation and appropriately relax the requirement to wear masks when it improves.
In summary, we are being asked to make further personal sacrifices for the common good of all our students and families. Thank you in advance for your understanding and support.
All of you are in my daily prayers and together with Our Lord, we will get through this.
Mark Salisbury
Superintendent of Catholic Schools
VIRTUS Updates
There are some families who are VIRTUS certified who may have received an email from the Diocese to complete a 5-Year Required Training Module. Please check your email and if you did receive this, please complete the training as soon as you can. It is only expected to take about 15 minutes to complete.
Scrip Orders Can be Shipped!
Coming late October: Families will have the option to get physical gift cards from 100+ popular brands delivered right to their door—only in the Scrip mobile app, RaiseRight™. Now, families can earn more by conveniently getting eGift cards and physical gift cards from the comfort of home.
Contactless: Provides a safe option for families to get gift cards during COVID-19.
Flexible: Families can order on their schedule. No planning. No deadlines.
Increased reach: It’s easy for out-of-town supporters to participate.
Program growth: Seamless delivery appeals to prospective families.
Learn more about how it works, below.
Includes 100+ brands labeled “Ship to home eligible” in the app.
Orders must be placed in our mobile app, RaiseRight—this feature is not available on ShopWithScrip.com or MyScripWallet.com.
Families must pay with a bank account or credit card.
Maximum of 16 gift cards per order, no minimum.
Shipping and fees:
Families pay the shipping fee—which can be as little as $1.
Orders will be delivered using USPS. Families can upgrade to overnight shipping via UPS, which is required for orders of more than $500.
Orders will be sent Monday – Friday.
Note: Families will still have the option to ship their order to their coordinator (recommended for larger organization orders).
Earnings are distributed the same way as family eGift card and reloaded gift card orders.
Brands' % earnings remain the same and your organization's earnings are not impacted.
Get answers to your questions in these coordinator FAQs and read the family FAQs to prepare for any questions your families might have.
The ship to home app feature will be announced to families the week of Oct 19.