Week of January 27th


Last call! The Apparel Store closes Monday 1/27!

Show your school spirit and celebrate the upcoming holidays in style! This Valentine’s Day, spread the love with JPII apparel in festive pink and red. Then, get ready to go green for St. Patrick’s Day with limited-edition colors, perfect for the holiday! Don’t miss out – grab your JPII holiday colors before time runs out!

Click here to order.


Earlier this month, Mr. Noha took his 5th - 8th grade students on a field trip to Tahquamenon Falls, MI, where they got to go tubing and snowshoeing!

In an effort to make it easier to track volunteer hours, we are providing you the option to turn in your volunteer hours on the attached tracking sheet.

These forms were sent home on Friday with report cards. More forms are available in the office/on request.

Logging your hours in FACTS is still our preferred method, but if you are unable to log your hours in FACTS, please fill out the attached form and turn it in to the office by Friday, February 7th, and we will input the hours into the FACTS system for you!

If you are still in need of volunteer hours & don't know where to start, please contact the office. We have many volunteer hours to fill for our upcoming Spring Auction, hot lunches and other PTO sponsored events, opportunities to help in the office, upcoming envelope stuffing, baking, etc. Remember, attending committee meetings (posted on the monthly calendars and in News You Can Use) counts toward volunteer hours, too (and earns your JPII student a N.U.T. Pass)!

Most importantly, thank you, volunteers, we couldn't do what we do without you!


The Marketing & Development Committee will be holding a bake sale during lunch on Wednesday, February 12th & Thursday, February 13th.

We are looking for several volunteers to help facilitate the sale. If you are able to help with this, please sign up here.

If you are interested in baking (cookies, bars, breads, or sweets like puppy chow, etc.), please email the Marketing Committee with the type of baked goods and an estimated quantity. *We ask that all baked goods be packaged with 2 items per bag/container, please!


JPII Kindergarten - 8th Grade students will be attending a special school showing of Fantastic Mr. Fox during school on Thursday, February 6th. Please watch for permission forms, being sent out early this week!

Mike Muhs