Back to School!
The first day of school for KR-8th Grade will be Monday, August 26th. Pre-K’s first day of school will be on Tuesday, August 27th.
As a reminder, school hours are 7:50 am to 3:00 pm.(7:50 am - 11:30 am for T/TH 3-year-old Preschool).
The doors open at 7:40 am for drop off, and the bell rings at 7:50 am for the beginning of class. At 7:50 am, the doors will lock; students arriving after 7:50 am will need to be checked in at the main office. Dismissal is at 3:00 pm.
Just like last year, we will be using separate entrances/exits per grade, to keep a quick flow. For families who have more than 1 child*, the entrance/exit of the youngest child applies.
*Please talk to your older kiddos about where you expect them to meet you.
Preschool - Enter & Exit: Door 18 in the back of the building on 18th Street.
Kindergarten: Enter: Main Entrance doors in the front of the building. Exit: Door 18 in the back of the building on 18th Street.
1st Grade - Enter & Exit: Main Entrance doors in the front of the building.
2nd - 4th Grade - Enter & Exit: Door 24 in the front - closest to the playground.
5th - 8th Grade - Enter & Exit: Door 4 in the front - closest to the SE parking lot.
Teachers often use their own money and resources to supplement materials provided by the school, therefore, Home & School has encouraged JPII faculty, staff, and clubs to set up wish lists on Amazon. Each wish list includes items and supplies that will make a difference at the Academy. Once an item is purchased, Amazon will ship the item directly to JPII. The hope is that all JPII faculty & staff will be able to replenish supplies they use regularly, and also be able to offer fresh, new learning tools to their students. We invite each of you to check out the JPII wish lists here and grant a few wishes today!
Thank you!
If you would like yearbooks to be sent home with your JPII student, please email the office.
If you are not a member yet, make sure to join the Parent & Family Group on Facebook so you can have yet another great way of staying connected with your child’s school activities.
The Athletic Club now offers a website to buy athletics-based apparel to support your Saints in our sports programs! A percentage of sales goes to the Athletic Club for future athletic needs. You can shop online via the webstore, or pick up an order form in the Office to pay by cash/check!
New year, new beginning!
We ask that parents please check over uniforms before sending kids to school. In the second half of last year, we saw a “stretching of the rules” and are hoping to correct that right from the start this year. Here are a couple of pointers:
-Shirts should be tucked in.
-Hoodies are for OUTSIDE. If the student wants a sweater inside, it needs to be uniform-approved.
-Leggings aren’t considered pants. so wear a skirt with leggings or zipper pants, please.
We will have extra clothes available in the Uniform Closet that students will be asked to change into if their uniforms are not up to code.
If you have any questions about whether or not something is JPII uniform approved, please contact the office.