Week of March 4th
Enrollment For 2024-2025
Enrollment for the 2024-2025 School year is now open. Enroll this week to take advantage of a reduced registration fee ($50)! To complete the online re-enrollment process, you will need to access our "Family Portal" through your existing login.
To access the Family Portal:
Type in your username and password. (If you have forgotten your username or password, please click on the link provided).
After logging in, click on Apply/Enroll in the left menu.
Click on the Enrollment/Reenrollment link.
Thank you to everyone who came to Open House!
Spring Auction
Spring Auction information will be sent home in the next couple of weeks, including a letter with raffle tickets enclosed. Each raffle ticket sells for $5. K-8 families are responsible for selling 10 raffle tickets, and preschool families are responsible for selling 5 raffle tickets.
If you or your business/employer would like to donate, please email the office at secretary@jpiicatholicacademy.org to have a form sent home with your JPII student, or print the form here!