Week of November 11th
Congratulations to October’s Star Class of the Month, Kindergarten!
JPII will be having retakes for anyone who missed picture day or wasn't happy with their original images on Monday, November 11th.
Those unhappy with their package image, are to return their current package on Retake day to the Photographer just before they take the Retake image. This way it ensures the package will be the same size as the original one.
If you would like your child to participate in picture retake day, please email the office so that a form can be sent home with your child ahead of retake day, so no one gets missed!
If you haven’t already, please sign up below. If you do not see a time that will work for you, please contact your child’s homeroom teacher directly!
Reminder to turn in your forms if you haven’t already!
Smiles on Wheels will be at JPII on Wednesday, November 13th (KR, Grades 1-8) and Thursday, November 14th (Pre-K & Kindergarten). Please complete and return the form whether you would like your child to participate or choose not to have them participate. If you need an extra form, a printable version is available here.
Volunteers are needed for our November Hot Lunch! Click here to sign up.
Hot Lunch slips went home on Friday & are due to the office no later than Friday, November 15th.
We will not be able to accept late hot lunch orders, so please get them in on time!
JPII is going to have a float in the Downtown Menominee Holiday Opener Parade on Saturday, November 16th!
Click here to sign up to walk with us and represent JPII! More details are provided on the sign up! All are welcome to join! The more the merrier : )
We are in need of a couple more people to help decorate/build our float this Sunday afternoon (11/10). If you are crafty/handy and would like to help, please email Mrs. Staszak.