Week of October 3rd
"Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our “God is a consuming fire."
Hebrews 12:28-29
Virtue of the Week: FORESIGHT
Dear Jesus,
When I come upon situations that require serious thought, please send Your Holy Spirit to guide me, that I may always do Your will. Guide me with Your counsel, and give me the courage to act rightly when it is difficult.
Pizza Lunch
Our Home & School Association is organizing a Pizza Lunch this Wednesday. This hot lunch will be served in the lunch room so if your child does not participate please send a lunch like normal, they will still be having lunch together.
Nut pass
This coming Wednesday we will have a paid NUT Pass day.
NUT Pass stands for “NO UNIFORM TODAY”. We organize a paid NUT Pass day about once a month to raise funds for individual class needs such as the end-of-school-year field trips. This month the funds will go to our 1st Grade class.
If your child wishes to participate please send $2 in a sealed envelope or Ziploc bag with their name on it to school on the day of NUT Pass. Thank you!
First Friday Mass (note location and dress code)
This Friday we will have our first First Friday Mass. This is a special student mass and there are a few special considerations. First, we are hopping on a bus to Holy Redeemer Church for a mass that begins at 8.30 am. The special uniform for First Fridays as found in the handbook:
Boys - WHITE SHIRT with a collar and BLACK or NAVY BLUE PANTS.
Girls - WHITE SHIRT with a collar and NAVY BLUE JUMPER or SKIRT.
We have extra clothes including skirts and jumpers at JPII and will ask children to change if not held to this dress code for First Friday Mass.
Principal’s Note
This coming week in our virtue program we will be focusing on the virtue of foresight.
Students will learn that foresight means the consideration of the consequences of one’s actions or thinking ahead. Each morning during morning prayer our school community spends time reviewing how learning & living the virtue helps us become the best version of ourselves. Our saintly examples this week are Ss. John Bosco, Frances Cabrini, and Gregory the Great.
As you read through this week's blog you will note that we have quite a few new events taking place this week. So much so that we have a new October calendar with a couple additions (see below and in your child’s backpack).
Okra Playground
This week our K-8th grade scholars will be joining area students for a special student concert by the touring Finnish Electric Folk group, Okra Playground. The concert is part of World Fest, a project of Art Midwest, that connects Midwestern communities to international musicians to foster an understanding of and appreciation for global uniqueness and differences. Marinette/Menominee is one of 9 Midwestern communities to be selected as a World Fest community during 2022-2026, and will host 6 international ensembles during that time. Please remember to return any permission slips sent home with your child!
Students enjoying fresh veggies from the garden they planted last spring!
This week I would like to give a special thanks to our Garden Club volunteers who worked to help harvest the bounty from our school garden (see above) and clean up and put it to bed for the year. I also want to give an advance thanks to the Home & School volunteers helping organize and serve our hot lunch this week! THANK YOU!!!
May God Bless You!
Mr. Michael Muhs
52 club
Remember to send in your tickets this week!!
The new 52cycle starts October 17th so we need all the tickets to be entered before then! Tickets that have not been brought in will still be charged to your FACTS tuition account so please don’t miss out on this! Thank you.
Calendar UPDATE
There were some changes to the October calendar so new copies were sent home. field trips were added and the bookfair-themed nut pass was moved to tuesday.
Flyers from the community
Kids Zone Enrichment Program offered at the YMCA – 1600 West Dr. Menominee MI 49858:
$25 - Registration Fee paid 1 time
Open to any youth ages 4 – 6th grade
Monday - Friday after school - 5:30pm
Rate/ child: M- $50 /week GP- $140/ week
If you are registering more than 1 child / family member use code 'Family50%' to receive a discount for every child AFTER your first child is registered!
Programming includes...
Homework help & literacy time
Swimming at 2x per week
Games & Activities
Campfire Wednesdays
Special Guests
All the U.P outdoor fun you can think of!