There is A LOT happening right now!!
This is probably the busiest time of the year at our school. and you may have noticed some more papers coming home from school. we wanted to write out a list with reminders to make it easier to mentally keep track!
Sell those raffle tickets!
Remember that each family has an obligation to sell the raffle tickets that were sent home on April 8th. There are still more tickets available at the office if you want more (Remember for very 10 extra tickets sold you get a entry in the $1.000 off tuition raffle)
Classroom baskets
Each classroom is making a gift basket for the bucket raffle at the spring auction event. The theme of your child’s basket came home on some bright paper last week. If you can, please send some donation items to school before April 28th
Thank you to Michelle Grasso for heading this up. if you have any questions you can contact her at 239-692-4620 or michelle1111@gmail.com.
Opt out form for Child Lures lessons
There was a letter send home for opting your child out of the Child Lures lessons being offered at the Academy. Send this form back only if you do not wish to have your child(ren) participate or if you wish to teach them yourselves. Please return this form no later than Tuesday April 20, 2021. (tomorrow)
Teacher appreciation week is May 3rd-7th
We are working on some surprises for our teachers (shh.. don’t say anything to them yet) This year has had some very new challenges for our teachers, and we are so proud of them for rising to the occasion with so much courage and excellence! And we really want to give back to them. We have some bigger items on our teacher wish list and hope to make some of those reality this year. If you would like to be involved please give the office a call.
FREE nut pass Wednesday April, 21st
Early release on THURSEDAY!! April, 22nd @ 11.40
No School Monday, May 3rd or Tuesday May 4th (PD)
Volunteer hours
There have not been a lot of events going on this schoolyear and therefore less voluntary opportunities available. Keep an eye on our spring auction event because we will definitely need some volunteers there. The Office has a log of volunteer hours so if you want to know how far you are just give a call or send a email.
Keep on scriping
There is another thank scriping day coming April 29&30 in which there is up to 20% for e-Gift cards and reloadable cards so check that out.