Week of February 8: Long Weekend This Week
GIVING WITH A GENEROUS HEART — Many years during Catholic Schools Week, our staff coordinates a food or clothing drive for the St Vincent de Paul Organization. This year, students were given a heart for our Giving Wall for every item they donated to the drive. As you can see, the giving just kept on pouring in all week long. Thank you families for making yet another successful driving and helping teach our students the importance of Christian generosity.
Schedule Alerts
A reminder Monday, February 15 there will be no school due to a Professional Development Day.
Due to a newly scheduled half-day at MAPS, JP2 will not have bussing in the afternoon of Friday, February 19th.
2021/2022 Enrollment
Enrollment for the 2021/2022 school year begins in just a few weeks! Here are the upcoming dates to mark on your calendars.
Feb 25th - Early enrollment for current families
Mar 1st - Early enrollment for Catholic parishioners
Mar 4th - Public early enrollment
The early registration fee is $50 per family and due at the time of registration.
Contract Position Available
JP2 is currently hiring an Alumni Development Coordinator for a contracted position. For more information, please email Mr. Muhs.
ThankScriping Days Next Week
ThankScriping Day is coming February 18 – 19. It’s your opportunity to earn up to 19% with 60+ bonuses on eGift cards and reloaded gift cards. Mark your calendar and help support JP2 with your shopping list.