FOOD DRIVE SUCCESS — Thanks to our families, we received boxes and boxes of goodies to be donated to the St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry that is located in the basement of Resurrection Parish. Here are a couple of our kindergarteners, Mr. Muhs (right) and the president of St. Vincent de Paul Menominee Conference, Jack Nicholas (left).
Thankscriping Day Starts TODAY!
If you want to make some serious headway on your Scrip requirement, today is the day to reload your cards or purchase ecards! There are over 120+ retailers that are offering major rebate bonuses today and tomorrow. Check out their website to see exactly what offers are available.
Technology Permission Slips Needed ASAP
As we gear up to go virtual after Thanksgiving, it is pertinent you and your child complete their technology agreements that were sent home this week. This allows each of our students to have their own device that they have been becoming increasingly more comfortable in navigating throughout the school year. If you need a new permission slip, please let the office know ASAP to ensure your child can take a device home on Tuesday.
Donation Updates
We were blessed this month to receive several donations from companies thanks to your dutiful entries. All donations we receive from these programs is put directly into our Technology Program Fund — even NUT Passes, this year!
Amazon Smile: $54.45
Shoparoo: $128.68
Box Tops: $238.20